They want nothing but a shelter...
Destitutes of all age group,from babies to elderly are taken care under one roof in Thanal VMV orphanage, Providingfood,clothing,accommodation,medical treatment and education expenses to our inmates;we protect,we care ,we nurture and we nurse the destitutes,the handicapped,the mentally challenged and the unwanted people negleted by their own relatives.
We provide our children with good education by sending them to different schools and various vocational training centres in accordance with their mental capability and acumen for education and training.
We find suitable bridegrooms for the destitute girls in our institution attaining marriageable age.We are proud to say that more than Thirty Five such girls are living happily with their respective husbands and children in a family unit of their own. Of course, we support each such family unit also to attain a comfortable living standard. Our ultimate aim is to make each such family a self - sustainable unit and hence we help them to get jobs, also we help them to acquire own houses or homes of their own.
A special school for mentally challenged children and a good institute for imparting Job Oriented Training Courses to the Physically Handicapped are in the anvil. We are striving very hard to mobilize the financial resources and we are looking forward to make this dream project a reality in the near future. The financial support of kind hearted and generous people like you are very valuable in this endeavour. More than 172 inmates from all age groups are living happily with us, under the care and comfort of Thanal V.M.V Orphanage For their support and rehabilitation (food,clothing,medical expenses,education,marriage, etc..etc)we are earnestly looking forward to your valuable contributions to this noble venture.Little drops make ocean; we are counting on your donations to this charitable endeavour to help our helpless brethren.